Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Treasures of the Creek- the Van Norman Family

Below our last post, we added some nice pictures of Robert and Yvonne's family (minus the two cats).  We had planned to add some words there, but decided to generate a new post instead.
This year, is the fifth at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking.   There are some outside influences that help along the way, but for the most part, you are looking at the two people that made all this happen.  To their children they are an amazing example of a loving partnership and parents who make their children their first focus.
Jim Krenov wrote about, "the person in your life holding the other end of the plank."  He was speaking of trust, support, commitment and a level of communication that can exist between two people above talk.  Robert often speaks of Yvonne as his person holding the other end of the plank, as Jim spoke of Britta. 

To the students Robert and Yvonne represent a support structure, a significant reason for our success now and after school.  The obstacles we can find in and outside the shop often times seem unique to us, and frankly insurmountable.  Robert and Yvonne always seem to have a word of guidance.  This is partly due to the experiences they have gained, but the more probable explanation for such wisdom is their positive approach to all things.
Robert and Yvonne's children are always willing to give a helping hand to the school.  Rob and Tadi rarely miss a presentation or show, a sign of support we all appreciate.  Tadi has been known to sit for children of the school and Rob has actually been keeping the machines in the shop running better than brand new.
Alumni will already know this, but for those reading that are interested in coming to Inside Passage, your first call will be to Yvonne.  As great as Robert is with teaching and woodworking, Yvonne is the gifted one when it comes to the front of the school.  Yvonne works tremendously hard to make our family life easier while here in Roberts Creek.  She helps us find a place in the community and does what she can to make the creek feel like home.

Thanks for keeping up with the activities here in Roberts Creek.  We have many exciting posts planned including some more technical project reviews, a few alumni interviews and lots of presentations, so be sure to follow along.  Also, please be sure to visit the school's website, www.insidepassge.ca

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