The students finished making several wooden hand planes prior to our last update. Now they are beginning to learn the art of making the hand planes "sing." Below, Junior puts some finishing touches into a jointer plane. Making hand tools really seems to be one of his labors of love.

Each of the students is working on their "Wabi-Sabi" cabinets. Accordiing to Robert, "Wabi Sabi" means "beauty in imperfection." The first step of this cabinet is creating a coopered door. Below, Evan does the final shaping of his door.
Here, Morrie and Byron both take a minute to hone their tools in order to achieve the perfect surface.
Lacey stands guard over the wood room. Ferocious, isn't she?
Steve has a consult with Robert regarding his next project. One-on-one time with Robert is held in high regard at the school. He provides each of his students with sound advice without lessening their creative voice.
Here, Robert is providing Michal with guidance as well. Whether you are a first year craftsman or a 3rd year Resident Craftsman, Robert's years of experience comes in very handy. Here, Michael is working on the final touches of his knife hinges. The students take pride in making every part of their cabinet, including the hardware.
Hong is checking the fit on his Wabi-Sabi Cabinet. The cabinets are a new addition to the curriculum this year. By the end of the process, each student will have completed all their exercises and will have a coopered door cabinet with drawer as proof. Whether they choose to keep or burn this cabinet remains to be seen.
Many students at Inside Passage find a part of the craft that they love and are naturally gifted at. One of Barb's many gifts is marquetry. Jason Klager, an alum and part-time instructor at the school gave Barb a few nudges in the right direction while she was in her Craftsman year at IP. Barb has taken those nudges and created some gorgeous works of art with this new found skill. She is currently working on a showcase cabinet in Sycamore and Boxwood. Believe it or not, the work below is her "Practice." Check out her new blog.
Daisuke finishes up a new drawer for the kitchen, determined to get it organized. He is waiting for the wood he milled for his next project to settle which will be a coffee table out of Curly Sycamore and Eastern Maple with his signature six legs.
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